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Tuesday, June 6 & Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Prep Choir & Fresca FRIEND WEEK

Prep Choir & Fresca Friend Week
Join Northwest Girlchoir's Prep Choir or Fresca during an open rehearsal. It's a great chance to see what singing in a treble-voiced choir is all about!
About The Event
Tuesday, June 6 and Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Rehearsal Visit Options:
Prep Choir (Graces 1-2) - Tuesday or Wednesday | 5-6:00pm
Fresca (Grades 3+) - Tuesday or Wednesday | 4:30-6:00pm
Northwest Girlchoir rehearsals are located inside the North Seattle Alliance Church at 2150 N 122nd St. Seattle, WA. Enter through the East Entrance doors to check in and receive a nametag for the day you are visiting.
Masks are strongly recommended. Click here for more information on Northwest Girlchoir COVID-19 protocols.
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